Updating knowledge base favicon

Learn about how to change the favicon of your knowledge base

Updated: December 8, 2023

1 min read

The favicon is the icon which appears in your browser tab and browser bookmarks. This is an example of how it looks like for the AssistFlare docs you are currently looking at:
AssistFlare favicon
AssistFlare favicon
AssistFlare allows you to provide your own favicon for your knowledge base. You can upload a favicon in the PNG format with a maximum size of 5MB and ideally a 512px x 512px format for best results.
To upload your favicon, from your knowledge base dashboard:
  1. Navigate to the Look & Feel link under the Settings section from the left navigation menu.
  1. Expand the Favicon section if not already expanded.
  1. Click on Upload site favicon to choose your favicon file.
  1. The newly uploaded favicon will display on the preview of your knowledge base on the right side.
  1. The favicon will also appear as a preview on hovering on the 👁 which appears on the upload button.
  1. Click on Save Customizations to save your changes.
Below are the video instructions:
Updating the favicon for a knowledge base
Updating the favicon for a knowledge base

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